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The Adoption Process

A Word About Our Adoption Policy

We know that the adoption process can seem complicated and time consuming. We'd like to give you a bit of insight as to how we proceed with questionnaires for a SJRAS pet from the time you submit one.

Every questionnaire is processed be sure that an animal is never put in jeopardy by being adopted by someone who has been involved in a case of animal cruelty or neglect. We verify landlord permission so that an animal isn't adopted where they aren't allowed, causing them to be returned to the shelter when the property owner discovers them, putting their life at risk all over again. We also confirm your vet history to make sure that the newly adopted pet will receive the proper vaccines and medical care they will need for the rest of their life. Asking everyone in the household (& pets) to come meet an animal of interest prevents animals being returned because someone in the family is afraid of an animal or the new animal isn't accepted by the current animals. Home visits are done randomly to check the suitability of a yard/fence      situation for an animal.

Because of the number of animals in our facility, and the number of questionnaires submitted daily we have a "first  approved, first appropriate, first available" policy for adoptions. Because of this, many questionnaires may be in on the animal you are interested in. We process questionnaires daily, but may have to wait for your landlord to return our call to verify permission to house a pet on that property. This can hold up your questionnaire, meaning that someone else may be approved before you if their landlord returns the call first, or if their questionnaire was submitted months ago and has already been processed and approved. Until each aspect of your paperwork is approved and a monetary deposit is accepted, we will be accepting questionnaires on the animal you are interested in. If another questionnaire is approved first, they will have the  opportunity to adopt the animal first.

Just a note about URI / Kennel Cough

(Upper Respiratory Infection)

What is it?  URI is generally considered similar to the common cold that humans develop. Symptoms can include: runny eyes, nasal discharge, fever, lack of appetite and lethargy.

How does an animal get it?  Most commonly, animals do not suffer from URI in the home environment. Just like children going to school pick up little colds and bugs from other children, animals contract URI more commonly when they are together in large numbers.

Having a compromised or stressed immune also opens the door for the URI germs to get to work in an animals. Being  kenneled while the family is on vacation, or being in an animal shelter can both stress the system. Major surgeries also weaken the immune response, leaving the animal susceptible to infection.

Does it have to be treated? How is it treated?  YES! Treatment consists of a routine course of antibiotics over generally a 14-21 day period along with close monitoring of the pet for signs that the infection is worsening. If left untreated or under treated, URI can develop into severe infection and even pneumonia.

Why does this matter to me?  If you are adopting a pet from our shelter, chances are the animal has already been exposed to URI in our building. This does not mean that they WILL come down with URI, but we wish to make you aware of the possibility. Even if they are showing no signs of URI while in our care, being spayed/neutered before leaving can stress the immune system and bring on the infection.

This is why in your adoption contract you agree to take the animal to your own vet within 6 days of adoption - to make sure all is well. Unfortunately, SJRAS cannot assist in the cost to treat URI should your animal have or develop it. We want you to make an informed choice about adopting. As a pet owner the cost of medical care should be considered.