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CalebAutumn has truly set in now. Other than the storm last week, we have had some absolutely gorgeous days. It's a great time to get your dogs outside to get some exercise, even if it's just letting them be out with you while you're raking leaves.

This is also the time of year that the acorns fall, and this is something dog owners should pay attention to if your pet is the type to treat anything within its reach as a food opportunity. My little guy thinks that acorns make a great snack and he's sneaky about scarfing them up and eating them when we take our daily walks. He knows that I'll make him spit it out if I catch him in the act and he has become downright devious in his attempts to get away with it!

Some dogs can ingest acorns without any serious issues, most commonly causing mild to moderate stomach or intestinal upset. Your dog may suffer from nausea, vomiting or diarrhea and there's always the risk of the acorns or pieces of acorns causing an obstruction, especially in small dogs. The combination of acids that are found in acorns and young oak leaves are what cause the problems. Consuming large quantities of either can cause more serious illness, such as kidney failure. Keep in mind that "large quantities" is relative to the size of your dog. The symptoms of something more serious may include increased thirst and urination, lethargy and decreased appetite.

Many pet owners love to dress their pets in costumes, but most pets want out of them as quickly as they can shake it off, bite it off or scratch it off! Just make sure that you don't leave your pet unattended if you dress them up. Costume materials can be hazardous to them if they are ingested or get tangled around their body parts.

Source: Autumn and Halloween can be scary times for pets

Posted in 2019, SJRAS Articles